Saturday, April 13, 2013

Post Birthday Weigh In

Wow its soooooo easy to gain weight and sooo bloody hard to lose it BUT i will keep trying as im not happy with the body lol.

@ 7am this morning I weighed      86.1 kgs  so onward and downward from here.....
There are so many diets out there at the moment ww's, cohens, low carb, wheat free blah blah blah but im going to do my own thing as a friend of mine *smiles @ Chris* has shown me it can be done by reducing the amount and watching what you eat. I need to cut down on my coffees as i have 2 sugars in each cup so am drinking my calories,,,not that i count calories never have never will .

So Day 1 started with a 30 min far so good :).


jen said...

Our journeys are all so different, but all with the same goal...onwards and downwards....

Chris H said...

So, how's it going Chick?
Your start weight is probably my GOAL weight!
Try Equal tabs instead of sugar, or another artificial sweetener!
Then you can still enjoy ya coffee.